Georganne Hunter
Gaelic Harp
Stoney Point

Mistle Thrush / Song of the Chanter
(Celtic dance tune) - O Cait an Caidil an Ribhinn an Noch - A Scots lullabye which translates "where is mydear one sleeping"
- Silver Cliff - This is one of the higher points on the north whore from which to view the beauty of Lake Superior
- Sheep Under the Snow - A Manx lament for a flock of sheep buried in the high pastrures after a heavy snowfall
Burke's Jig
(a Celtic dance tune) - Vinter Bjoller - Meaning winter bells in Norwegian. This tune was written as aq wedding present for mo mhuirnin, Stephen Dahl, a Scandinavian scholar & fischerman.
- Were you at the Rock - I learned this song from a harper from Belfast. I understand it's one of the "hidden" songs of Ireland.
- North Shore Reel / Rocky Fields
(a Celtic dance tune) - Resting Chair - A fiddle tune by Tom Anderson of the Shetland Islands, Scotland, the home of my great grandmother, Jean Hunter. This song brings back memories of sitting with her while we knit & sang the old songs.
- Déirin Dé - Refers to the lighted straw used inan old children's game. The wisp of smoke, rising when the staw was extinguished, was called Déirin Dé. Used in this song as a hypnotic chorus to lull the child to sleep.
- Arran Boat Song - The Arran Island is off the Firth of Clyde on the west coast of Scotland.
- Falling Snow - This song evokes the quite hush of early snowfalls.
- Nordlys - A Norwegian word for Northern Lights. This song is about their brilliant display, which is one of the gifts of our cold northern Minnesota winters.
- Stoney Point - Stoney Point is an arm of rock that juts out into Lake Superior. It's one of my favorite places for midsummer clelbraitons.